Summit Society

What is it?

The McDowell Sonoran Conservancy's Summit Society is an esteemed group of donors who are pivotal in advancing our mission to preserve and protect the McDowell Sonoran Preserve. Comprising of dedicated individuals committed to environmental conservation, the Summit Society stands as a cornerstone of our efforts to safeguard this natural treasure. Membership in the Summit Society signifies a commitment to substantially impacting the preservation of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, providing critical support for conservation projects, educational initiatives, and sustainable management.

Why Join?

Joining the Summit Society provides a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, collaborate, and amplify their impact. Donors gain exclusive access to insider updates on ongoing conservation initiatives, ensuring they are at the forefront of our efforts. Additionally, Summit Society members enjoy special events, unique networking opportunities, recognition, and a sense of shared purpose from being part of a community dedicated to environmental stewardship. By uniting under the Summit Society banner, donors contribute to the tangible success of our preservation projects and foster a legacy of environmental responsibility and community engagement.

Member Level and Benefits

$5 to $999

• Digital Subscription to Mountain Lines Quarterly Magazine
• Monthly e-Newsletter – Conservancy Connections
• Monthly Member e-Newsletter – Member Insights
• Annual Membership Sticker

$1,000 to $4,999

  • A mailed copy of our quarterly magazine: Mountain Lines
  • A digital subscription to our quarterly magazine: Mountain Lines
  • Conservancy Connection – e-Newsletter
    • Containing topical updates on Conservancy programs
  • Member Insights – Member e-Newsletter
    • Insider information that takes a deeper look at the Conservancy’s work
  • Annual Membership Sticker
  • An invitation to our annual donor appreciation event
  • Quarterly State of the Conservancy update
  • One private, guided hike for 10 individuals, including subject matter with an expert of your choosing (Offered Nov.-April)

$5,000 to $9,999

  • A mailed copy of our quarterly magazine: Mountain Lines
  • A digital subscription to our quarterly magazine: Mountain Lines
  • Conservancy Connection – e-Newsletter
    • Containing topical updates on Conservancy programs
  • Member Insights – Member e-Newsletter
    • Insider information that takes a deeper look at the Conservancy’s work
  • Annual Membership Sticker
  • An invitation to our annual donor appreciation event
  • Quarterly State of the Conservancy update
  • One private, guided hike for 10 individuals, including subject matter with an expert of your choosing (Offered Nov.-April)

$10,000 and above

  • A mailed copy of our quarterly magazine: Mountain Lines
  • A digital subscription to our quarterly magazine: Mountain Lines
  • Conservancy Connection – e-Newsletter
    • Containing topical updates on Conservancy programs
  • Member Insights – Member e-Newsletter
    • Insider information that takes a deeper look at the Conservancy’s work
  • Annual Membership Sticker
  • An invitation to our annual donor appreciation event
  • Quarterly State of the Conservancy update
  • Donor Wall Recognition at Brown’s Ranch Trailhead for one year (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
  • One private, guided hike for 20 individuals, including subject matter with an expert of your choosing (Offered Nov.-April)

Summit Society Breakfast

The Summit Society Breakfast is an annual event where we gather supporters, donors, and community members to celebrate our conservation efforts. During the breakfast, you will have the opportunity to hear from distinguished guest speakers, gain exclusive insights into our ongoing projects, and connect with fellow supporters who are making a lasting impact on our community. This exclusive event will be held in November 2024, but seats are limited. Contact us today to reserve your spot. Already a Summit Society member? The Summit Society Breakfast is great opportunity to bring friends and family to learn about the Conservancy. For more information or to notify us that you wish to attend the breakfast, please contact: dev@mcdowellsonoran.or

Disclaimer: As with all gift planning, you should consult with your tax advisor and lawyer to determine what strategy is best for your current tax situation and income requirements. Consulting professionals will help ensure that your wishes to make a lasting impact will be fulfilled.

Summit Society Members

Andrea Aker
Kathleen and Gerard Albanese
Jeff Andrews
Ann and Brian Balusek
Joseph Bank
Melissa Barker
Jason and Jane Barlow
Redfield and Susan Baum
Shirley and Toby Baum
Philip and Lydia Bell
Bruce and Debbie Bentcover
Lisa Berman
Brad and Lisa Berry
Bridget Blixt
Sue Borman
Cindy Bozik
Jane Brady
Arthur Brandon
Suzanne and Richard Buerger
Donald and Peggy Burton
Bob and Gail Buuck
Michael and Susan Caporali
Thomas Castleberry
Peggy Chamberlain
Edward and Pam Chu
Karen Churchard
Gina and John Clark
Gloria and Rich Cochran
Catherine and Steve Coluccio
Rick and Judy Cooper
Elaine and Paul Cottey
Bob Crawford
Keely Crum
Robert and Sheryl Damico
Leslie Dashew and Jack Salisbury

Cia Devan
John and Kris DeWulf
Leslie Dashew and Jack Salisbury
Cia Devan
John and Kris DeWulf
Doug Diehl
Gary and Mary Dokes
Tom Errath
Donald and Diane Field
Nigel and Jeanne Finney
Sharon and Bruce Fitts
Martha and Dave Fogler
Lynda and Jim Frantz
Kristi Fuller
Tracy Glass
Denise Goergen
Iris Goodman
Andrew Gordon
Kevin and Julie Grady
Rebecca Grossman
Dan and Elaine Gruber
Daniel Halcik
Rob and Debra Hallagan
Dorie Hanson
Patty and Thomas Hefner
Laura and Rocky Henderson
Robbi and John Henrickson
Mike and Marianne Hermann
Tom and Lou Ann Hillman
Jerry and Helen Holden
Charles James
Marianne Jensen
Jordan Jobe
Bertrand and Beth Kaper
Marge Keely
Jalina and Richard Kerr
Ronald and Cheryl Komo

Carroll and Dennyce Korb
Christine and Rick Kovach
Greg and Kathy Kruzel
Bridget and Ross Levin
Robert and Shari Levitan
Joseph and Carol Lizzadro
Catherine Long
Warren Loveland
Steve and Trese Lytle
Raymond Maas
Don and Cindy Martin
John and Suzanne Martinson
Susan Matthews and Fred Mirmelstein
Kevin and Cinda McClain
Charles McGrath
Brian McNally
Scott Menzel
Sabrina Messinger-Acevedo
Linda Milhaven
Lisa Moran
Lynn Mushorn
Monica Names
Jan and Mary Ellen Nyland
Richard O'Connor
Michael O'Connor
Michael Oster
Arthur Pearce II
Susan Persin
Kerry and Dimitry Philipovitch
Donald Pike
Jean and Ralph Quinsey
Art and Ginger Ranz
Barbara Montgomery-Ratcliff and James Ratcliff
Mark Reifsteck

Kevin and Nancy Rhein
Ryan Ridley
Roger and Patricia Riepe
Michael and Hilary Roberts
Adam Rosenberg
William Ruppert
Michael and Stephanie Savastio
Peter Schlosser
Donald and Ginia Shawl
Larry and Louise Shwartz
David and Diana Smith
Jackie and Edward Smock
Donald Springett
Paul and Mary Staker
Patricia and Greg Stark
James and Linda Stinson
Thomas and Karen Stutz
Maxine and Steve Sukenik
Betsy Thornton
Jim and Nancy Tillinghast
Peter and Judith Travers
B.J. Tatro and Frank Romaglia
Margie Traylor
Karen Trembath
Carrie Ulvestad
Denise and William Villalon
Bob and Emily Vincent
Anthony and Shelly Viviano
Gary Vlk
John and Lynn White
Mark Winkleman
Melinda Xanthos
Kathryn Zan Peat
Tracey and Jeffery Zemer
John Zikias
Brad and Lisa Zulke

Summit Society Members as of March 1, 2024 who wish to be recognized


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The threats to our natural world have never been greater. It is only with the support of donors like you that we can protect the Sonoran Desert for future generations.

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